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  1. Dolgonosov A.M., Senyavin M.M., Voloshik I.N. Ion exchange and ion chromatography, M., Nauka, 1993, 222 p.

  2. Dolgonosov A.M. Electron gas model and generalized charge theory for describing interatomic forces and adsorption. M.: Knizhny dom LIBROKOM. 2009. 176 p.

  3. Dolgonosov A.M. Nonspecific selectivity in the problem of modeling high-performance chromatography. M., KRASAND. 2012. 256 p.

  4. Dolgonosov A.M., Rudakov O.B., Prudkovsky A.G. Analytical column chromatography: practice, theory, modeling. St. Petersburg, Lan. 2015. 468 p.


Articles on Chromatography Simulation

  1. Dolgonosov A.M., Ippolitova O.D. Calculation and optimization of chromatographic separation of mixtures of ions, Zh. analyte Chemistry, 1993, vol. 48, No. 8, 1361-1372.

  2. Dolgonosov AM Centrally localized ion exchangers as separating  sorbents for ion chromatography: Theory and application, J. Chromatogr. A, 671 (1994) 33-41

  3. Prudkovskii A.G., Dolgonosov A.M., Theory of Ion Chromatography: A Universal Approach to Describing Peak Parameters, Zh. analyte chemistry. 1999. vol. 54, no. 2. 118-122

  4. Dolgonosov A. M., Prudkovskiy A. G. Simulation of gas chromatography using a new nonlinear molecular-statistical theory of adsorption and taking into account the kinetic effects of smearing of chromatographic zones, Sorption and chromatographic processes, 2004. V.4, issue 4, 508-523

  5. Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovskiy A.G., Kolotilina N.K. Direct and inverse problems of modeling gradient ion chromatography, Zh. analyte chemistry. 2007. V.62, No. 11, 1162-1171.

  6. Prudkovsky A.G., Dolgonosov A.M. A tool for evaluating the Kovacs index by the retention time of a substance in gas chromatography, Zh. analyte chemistry. 2008. V.63, No. 9. pp.935-940

  7. Dolgonosov A.M. Characteristics of adsorption, competitive sorption and solvation to describe retention in liquid chromatography. I. Model of a system with a single-component eluent, Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2011. V. 11. Issue 4, 435-448.

  8.  Dolgonosov A.M. Characteristics of adsorption, competitive sorption and solvation to describe retention in liquid chromatography. II. Calculation of model parameters, Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2011. V. 11. Issue 4, 449-458.

  9. Dolgonosov A.M. Description of the elution ability of a multicomponent mobile phase in HPLC by a generalized parameter, Sorbts. chromatogr. processes. 2013. V.13, issue 2, 141-149.

  10. Dolgonosov A. M., Prudkovskiy A. G. Method of reversible variations for optimization of gradient ion chromatography, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2013, vol. 449, no. 3, p. 295–299. DOI: 10.7868/S0869565213090132

  11. Dolgonosov A.M., Zaitseva E.A. Factors determining the selectivity of stationary phases to the geometric isomers of fatty acids in the analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, Zh. analyte chemistry. 2020. V. 75. No. 12. DOI: 10.31857/S0044450220120075

  12. Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovskiy A.G., Zaitseva E.A., Kolotilina N.K., Dolgonosov A.A. Mathematical Modeling of Analytical Chromatography: Problems and Solutions, Zh. analyte chemistry. 2021. V. 76. No. 11. S. 963-976. DOI: 10.31857/S0044450221110049  

Articles on intermolecular interaction and adsorption

  1. Dolgonosov A.M. The relationship between the molecular site of the adsorbate and the Henry constant during the adsorption of hydrocarbons on graphitized thermal soot, Dokl.RAN, 1994, vol. 338, No. 6, pp. 39-42.

  2. Dolgonosov AM Calculation of adsorption energy and Henry law constant for nonpolar molecules on a nonpolar uniform adsorbent,  J. Phys. Chem. B 102 (1998) 4715-4730.

  3. Dolgonosov AM Energy and Molecular Area of the Adsorbate on a Uniform Adsorbent, Doklady 358 (1998) 26-30.

  4. Dolgonosov A.M. Influence of the Shape of Unbranched Molecules of Hydrocarbons on Their Adsorption by a Homogeneous Surface, Zh. physical chemistry. 1998. vol. 72, no. 1, 101-106.

  5.  Dolgonosov AM, Influence of the structure of branched molecules on their chromatographic retention, Zh. Physical Chemistry, 1998. v.72, No. 7. 1281-1285

  6. Dolgonosov AM A priori calculation of adsorption on topology of molecules, Dokl. Chem. 377(2001) 89-93

  7. Dolgonosov AM, Influence of a Carrier Gas on the Chromatographic Separation of Isotopically Substituted Methane Molecules, J. Sib. physical Chemistry, 2003, vol. 77, No. 12, 2219-2225

  8. Dolgonosov A.M. Effects of nonideal adsorption on a rough surface of a liquid phase in gas chromatography. physical chemistry. 2006, v.80, no.6, 1094-1097

  9.  Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovskiy A.G. Effects of non-ideal adsorption on a rough surface of a liquid phase in gas chromatography. physical chemistry. 2006, v.80, no.6, 1098-1103

  10.  Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovskiy A.G. Barriers of Intramolecular Rotation According to the Temperature Dependence of Henry's Constant in the Region of Violation of Adsorbed Molecule Rigidity, J. Sib. physical chemistry. 2008. T.82. No. 5, 931-939.

  11. Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovsky A.G. Distribution mechanism in gas-liquid chromatography, including the effect of conformational rearrangement of the macromolecule of the stationary phase in contact with the adsorbate molecule, Sorption and chromatographic processes, 2010. V.10, issue 6, 887-893.

  12. Dolgonosov A.M., Prudkovsky A.G. Calculation of the effect of conformational rearrangement of a stationary phase macromolecule upon contact with an adsorbate molecule, Sorption and chromatographic processes.  2011. Vol.

  13. Dolgonosov A.M. Polarity and hydrophilicity are fundamental independent characteristics of chromatographic stationary phases, Sorbts. chromatographic processes. 2015. V.15, issue 3, 312-320

  14. Dolgonosov A.M. Nonlinear relationship between the enthalpy of adsorption and the chromatographic retention index, Physical chemistry of the surface and protection of materials. 2015. V.51, No. 6, 595-600

  15. Dolgonosov A.M. A model for the formation of a hydrogen bond between vapor and liquid molecules, Zh. struct. Chemistry, 2020, 61, No. 7. pp. 1107-1120. DOI 10.26902/JSC_id58720

  16. Dolgonosov A.M. Model of intermolecular interaction of a general type between a molecule and a liquid phase, based on the theory of generalized charges, Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2020. Vol. 20, No. 3, 343-361. DOI: 10.17308/sorpchrom.2020.20/2871

  17. Dolgonosov A.M., Zaitseva E.A. Model of intermolecular interaction with the formation of a hydrogen bond and its application to characterize the selectivity of chromatographic phases on the example of polyethylene glycols, Zh. struct. Chemistry, 2020, 61, No. 8, 1300-1311. DOI 10.26902/JSC_id60676

Articles on the theory of generalized charges and the electron gas model

  1. Dolgonosov A.M., Model of a stationary inhomogeneous electron gas, J. Inorganic Chemistry. 2000. V.45, No. 6, 997-1004.

  2. Dolgonosov A.M. Theory of Generalized Charges for Interatomic Interactions, Zh. physical Chemistry, 2001. V.75, No. 10, 1813-1820

  3. Dolgonosov A.M. Generalized Charge in the Description of Adsorption in the Domain Henry, Zh. Physical Chemistry, 2002. v.76, No. 6 1107-1112

  4. Dolgonosov A.M., Screening effect in interatomic interactions, J. Sib. Physical Chemistry, 2002. v.76, No. 12, p.2216-2220

  5. Dolgonosov A.M. Dependence of the atomic radius and ionization potential on the atomic number according to the theory of multicomponent electron gas, Zh. physical chemistry. 2008. V.82, no. 12, 2306-2311 [Dolgonosov AM Atomic number dependences of atomic radii and ionization potentials according to “multicomponent electron gas” theory. Rus J Phys Chem A 82:2079 (2008)]

  6. Dolgonosov A.M. Influence of electron degeneracy on the parameters of interatomic interactions, J. Sib. inorg. chemistry. 2015. V.60, no. 2, 233-237 [Dolgonosov AM Effect of electronic degeneration on interatomic interaction parameters. Russ J Inorg Chem 60:194 (2015)]

  7. Dolgonosov A.M. Application of the theory of generalized charges for a priori calculation of the coefficient of surface tension and critical temperature of homogeneous non-polar liquids, Izv. AN. Ser. chem. 2016, no. 4, 952-963 [Dolgonosov AM The surface tension coefficients and critical temperatures of uniform nonpolar liquids from a priori calculations within the framework of the theory of generalized charges. Russ Chem Bull 65:952 (2016)]

  8. Dolgonosov A.M. Universal relation for the energy and length of a covalent bond, following from the theory of generalized charges, Zh. inorganic chemistry. 2017. V.62, No. 3, 330-336 DOI: 10.7868/S0044457X17030060 [Dolgonosov AM The universal relationship between the energy and length of a covalent bond derived from the theory of generalized charges. Russ J Inorg Chem 62:344 (2017)]

  9. Dolgonosov A.M. Description of the donor-acceptor bond using the theory of generalized charges, Zh. inorg. chemistry. 2019. V. 64, No. 4, 389-396. DOI: 10.1134/S0044457X19040093 [Dolgonosov AM Description of the donor-acceptor bond in terms of the theory of generalized charges. Russ J Inorg Chem 64:488 (2019)]

  10. Dolgonosov A.M. The idea of a hydrogen bond following from the theory of generalized charges, Zh. struct. Chemistry, 2019, 60, No. 11, 1765-1774. DOI 10.26902/JSC_id46400

  11. Dolgonosov AM, Hypothesis for coordination number of critical fluid molecules expressed in model potential and critical temperature for simple substances, Theor. Chem. acc. 2020, 139, 90. doi 10.1007/s00214-020-02590-3

  12. Dolgonosov, AM Critical fluid density obtained from the theory of generalized charges in accordance with the hypothesis on the first coordination number. Struct Chem (2020).

  13. Dolgonosov, AM Description of covalent bond in terms of generalized charges. The bond length. Theor Chem Acc 140, 143 (2021). (with Basic statements of the theory of generalized charges)

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